
Alison’s Step

19 October 2022

Very special post from Nicki:
Let me tell you a story about a beautiful lady called Alison. She was one of Neal and my closest friends. She was born with a disability, she lived life to the full and was a hugely inspirational woman. One of her last challenges was a sky dive all whilst raising money for Parkinson’s disease, something her Dad had. Unfortunately Ali passed away in April 2020 and it was Neal who found her. When she was alive, Neal made her the pictured step to help her getting into our car. Since her passing I haven’t been able to part with the step and it’s remained in our hallway with our plant sitting on top of it until now. When we realised a step would be useful for the entrance of the warehouse for our foodbank, I knew just the one. It’s been made weather and slip-proof and we have had a plaque made in Alison’s memory to fix on the side, knowing had she still been here she would have been right in the thick of the foodbank. So you see the step into the warehouse is not just any old step, it has been lovingly made by Neal, and will always be “Alison’s Step”

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