
Reverse Advent Calendar

14 October 2022

reverse advent calendar rawmarsh foodbank

Here’s how it works:

You can do this as an individual, as a family or club together with friends or work colleagues:

  1. Have a box or large bag available.
  2. Click the link for the calendar and print it off
  3. Choose an item to add to your box or bag.
  4. Cross each item off after you place it in the box
  5. Repeat for the other days on the calendar
  6. On Tuesday 29th November, please bring your donation box or bag to Rawmarsh Foodbank (Rawmarsh Community School, Top Entrance, Haugh Road, Rawmarsh, Rotherham, S62 7AN) between 4pm and 6pm
  7. Receive your raffle ticket! (More details of the prize to follow)

If you are doing the Reverse Advent Calendar with friends or colleagues, you could divide the calendar in the following ways:

for example…

2 people could decide to complete red or green squares

4 people could complete a row each

6 people could complete a column each


Thank you, have fun and good luck!

You can download your own Reverse Advent Calendar here!

Reverse Advent Calendar Rawmarsh Foodbank

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